Winter Blankets Appeal

Protect lives from the freezing cold. This winter, IFTA Welfare needs your help to provide blankets and warm clothes for the Pakistan Floods affectee and to Roadside settlements due to Floods. Your £5 could provide 1 blanket.


As we turn up the heating and put on our cosiest coats, preparing for the coldest winter the UK has seen in 30 years, millions of people around the world and here at home are fearful for their lives as the cold draws in.

Winter is a killer; a recent study, analyzing 74 million deaths from 384 locations across the world, found that cold weather kills 20 times more people than the heat. This winter is no exception, putting millions of people grappling with poverty, famine and displacement in yet more danger.

Pakistan Floods – Appeal for 5000 Blankets for Floods Affectees

Please donate now to provide a person with a warm winter blanket to help them survive the extreme weather

Donate a Blanket
For every £5 you donate, we will be able to provide a person with a blanket

Because of your generous donations, Muslim Ummah Hands will be able to provide a blanket to the needy during these painful freezing weather conditions. For as little as £5, your donation will be able to reach out to people in rural villages, and change their lives for the better.

Pakistan Floods – Appeal for 5000 Blankets for Floods Affectees